Current Treasure Hunts

Ready to get outside and find some money?? Great!!!
We’re about to launch Micro Hunt #4, which has smaller prizes while we wait to reach our goals and start handing out clues for the main hunt (the money chest is already waiting for you somewhere in the Utah mountains). Subscribe on YouTube to get notified and to get a 2-day headstart on all clues.

Our first treasure hunt is almost ready to go! Our first announcement will appear on our YouTube channel any day now!

We will begin releasing clues AS SOON AS either A: our YouTube channel gathers 250 subscribers, or B: we sign up a sponsor so we can increase the value of the treasure (there’s already cash in the chest, but we’ll venmo you more when you find it).

IF YOU WANT MORE MONEY, then follow all our social media channels, because that helps persuade sponsors to give away more money!

Also be sure to tell your friends, because, again, the more followers we accrue, the more money we can hide for you to find! Everybody wins!

Thanks for playing and Happy Hunting!!

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